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The amazing benefits of turmeric

Turmeric is one of Pukka’s hero herbs. The potential health benefits of this vibrant root for our own wellbeing are vast and there have been countless pieces of research which demonstrate this.

Turmeric is well known as a spice used in Indian cuisine. In fact, its traditional Indian uses span far beyond this: it has been used for centuries to help keep the skin pure, the blood clean and the life long.

Ayurveda, the ‘science of wellbeing’ that developed in India over 5000 years ago, uses turmeric to help maintain healthy blood, skin, circulation and as a nourishment to feed the whole body. It is known as ‘the golden goddess’ in India as it is such a valued spice to help rejuvenate body and mind.

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text with image Lifestyle - Turmeric active bottle and capsules on table

So why's turmeric so special?

Part of the reason is down to the characteristically strong yellow colour of this incredible root. These yellow pigments are collectively known as curcuminoids. The root is also brimming with essential oils knowns as turmerones. The curcuminoids and the turmerones work together within the body, helping to combat free radicals which can damage and age our bodies. They also stimulate a positive response within the body that can help circulation, protect the brain and rejuvenate the liver.

Why is turmeric good for you? 

The health benefits of turmeric are vast and include:

  • Helping to protect us from the effects of day-to-day life thanks to turmeric’s very potent polyphenols, also known as antioxidants. Our Turmeric Active tea contains turmeric, ginger and orange to keep you feeling energised and refreshed throughout the day.

  • Balancing the digestive system through turmeric’s effects on promoting a healthy digestive environment. It has been shown to act as a pre-biotic, benefitting the gut microbiome (1,2).

  • Supporting muscles, joints and wellbeing post-exercise thanks to its benefits on the musculoskeletal system. Our Turmeric Active tea is specially formulated to support mobility and movement after sporting activities.

  • Turmeric supports processes that are involved with the efficient flow of blood to the heart.

  • Turmeric also supports the liver which in turn may help skin health. This makes turmeric an excellent remedy for any skin issues.

What research is there on the benefits of turmeric?

There have been many human clinical trials indicating the above benefits. This review study found promising evidence for its ability to relieve pain and improve physical function.

How we grow our highest quality turmeric

The quality of turmeric available varies widely due to challenges in cultivation and the supply chain, so it is important to source carefully (3). Turmeric is a ‘hungry’ plant and in non-organic farming is grown using fertilisers, fungicides and other chemicals. Pukka works with organic Indian farming co-operatives to increase the amount of land producing our high-quality organic turmeric. So the turmeric in your herbal tea is the product of a growing community of organic farmers working in harmony with nature.

After hearing about all of turmeric’s amazing benefits, why not try it out along with its ‘cousin’ ginger by making a Turmeric and Ginger Fizz Mocktail | Pukka Herbs using our Turmeric Active tea?

1 Shen L, Liu L, Ji HF. (2017) Regulative effects of curcumin spice administration on gut microbiota and its pharmacological implications. Food Nutr Res. vol 61, no 1, 1361780

2 Peterson, C. T., Vaughn, A. R., Sharma, V., et al. (2018). Effects of turmeric and curcumin dietary supplementation on human gut microbiota: A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled pilot study[WJ1]

3 Chatzinasiou, L., Booker, A., MacLennan, E., Mackonochie, M., & Heinrich, M. (2019). Turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) products: What quality differences exist? Journal of Herbal Medicine, 100281

Author: Marion Mackonochie​

Senior Herbal Specialist

Marion is Senior Herbal Specialist at Pukka and a practising medical herbalist dedicated to furthering herbal knowledge and understanding. Degrees in pharmacology (UCL) and herbal medicine and a masters degree in plant chemistry and medicinal natural products (UCL) mean she is well placed to help plan Pukka’s extensive programme of herbal research, as well as advising across Pukka on herb benefits. She has worked on the Journal of Herbal Medicine since its launch in 2011 and is currently Associate Editor.


B.Sc. qualified in herbal medicine (Middlesex Uni, 2009), M.Sc. (mCPP) qualified in pharmacology & physiology (UCL, 2002), MSc medicinal natural products and phytochemistry (UCL, 2016)

Years of experience

12 years in medical herbalism

Professional registrations

Member of College of Practitioners of Phytotherapy

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